This updated blog is a channel for me to comunicate and exchange info with the public. Updated by Chong Boon Hooi* @ Alexandra Beverly Edward XIIb Susilo Bangbang
Thursday, August 22, 2019
News: Public Responsed To The Effort of Overcome The Political Conflic In Asia .
Public Responsed To The Effort of Overcome The Political Conflic In Asia .
1. Public finance to Srivijaya ( Museum ). It was a negative impact to the group .
The Indian was financing the Srivijaya Museum culture team . This team was function in South Thailand . The Srivijaya wear (cloth ) was looking similar to the Siam Buddhism monk cloth . This lead to the misunderstanding and created the not to well come mind in Thai people . The Srivijaya group also consumed meat . This was contradicted to the Srivijaya original vegetarian culture and understanding of peace among all living creature . That is , not to eat other but only green vegetation . The members of Srivijaya group were asked to go by the people they mix with .
2. The middle man mistake in using the available money .
The middle man was blind by the money profit . I told the reporter that the suggested Museum Group to South Thailand needed military protection . Without proper planning , they have abuse the money available by called up the contract army in Malaysia . This caused the tank with Malaysia flag move into South Thailand and the people there complained the Malaysia arm force was attacked them . The incident also shown that Najib Tun Razak ( Former Malaysia defense minister but the actual man in power after 1969 ) was not holding the power in the Military of previous Government ( Barisan National ) before the Paktan Rakyat took over .
3. Un confirmed information of droids formed .
Senior man in the banking sector get the idea from me that the carrier Kitty Hawk can be rebuilt to assist the political needed in the region . He may work out to get the USD 0.2 Billion by publlic donation . The was the sum of money that build the carrier Kitty Hawk around 1950 . However the money value was almost came down 100 times . Few months later I was in Penang Swimming Crap where I spotted a ship that was bigger that the cruise ship move over the water between the Penang Island and Prai . The super ship did light up it lights as the cruise ship sis but only a lines of deeming light from the front to rear and a few in cntrol tower and the rear lower levels . I was inmond that it was the carrier but it seemed to be very big compared to the ordinary carrier . I asked the senior banking man but he said that was a cruse ship . I did not believe him . There was a female star that look like the Japan Morning Museum present that night in the same location at the sea site coffee section . Few day later I get the information from the people in Sungai Pinang Balik Pulau that they spot Star Destroyer sailing on the water . A senor local Chinese also said that they saw the carrier . Than I get the information from the young people where I not knowing them alot but knew them working in the droid sector . They old me that it was the droid carrier .
4. The Indonesia Moonraker .
I told the kitchen helper that the Moonraker group was all man ( Lelaki sahaja ) . This was not god as no female was in the active team that created to same mankind . They can became the gang rapist in future as no female present in the team . She agree with my understanding . She may work out to assist the Moonraker group of Indonesia . However she did not want me to know more and this seemed like she do not wanted me to have the influence in the Indonesia Moonraker group or she may cheated me . Basically she and her partner consider me as a outsider and always in mind me not to rule their land .
I was properly brought to Thailand month ago.
I was properly brought to Thailand month ago . I was curious that I have went through a period of time that I did not know . It should be near to a week or more . My mount hair seemed to be short and dark over all in a week growth . The old lady in Penang Hill also suspected that I was not my shell as I become handsome and young . A member of the old flock home committee came back from Thailand and he was surprised that I came back here and she asked me why I came back . A week later another old lady came to Penang and she noticed me that she brought me home as I was belong to the former world Cathay pilot . I was not the property of Thailand . Sje proven that I was in Thailand recently . I was properly spike with the drug and forget my event in Thailand .
Saturday, May 12, 2018
My Opinion To Promote Peace In Soulthen Thialand By Introduced The Museum Culture Groups - The Srivijaya , Majapahit And Qiun To Live And Develop Prior Of Beome The Peopel Of Soulth Thialand .
The South Thailand Muslim Upraising was already more than 10 years . It was reported that the first and second deployed of Thai armed force refused to attack the upraising people of South Thailand . The Thai Government than send the third armed force that conducted the instruction to attacked the opposition people in South Thailand . I can see that not all the attacked were made by the Muslim rebel . Some were the act of interest conflick by the non Muslim underground groups who have their business in South Thailand . I have found out from the You Tube that I was used as the representative of King Chulalongkong or well known as King 5 of Siam in the festival in Sungai Golok in 2006 where I was on the back of holy royal elephant with two females assistants standing both site . Therefore the Thai people knew me as the King 5 representative .
It seemed that the South Thailand trouble especially the South Three Province never stop until today . Initially I support the opinion of the three provinces to get independent from Thailand as a new Muslim nation in order to have the peace . However I found out that it was actually conducted by a extream group who wanted to have a Sultan in a Muslim nation of South Thailand and they were planning for the future activity to go further up to have Muslim control Thailand . In this situation I have put away my support for the Muslim upraising . In order to promote peace I have the opinion to have the museum culture associations such as Srivijaya and Majapahit to enter the South Thailand by the way to establish agriculture and technologies of primary needed . The member of the museums will assimilate to be the people of Thailand by their next generation . The museum can also be assisted by the Qin museum from China and Northen Vietnam that function as visiting police in assisting the peace .
The above opinion is not easy but practically if supported by the people of this region . Other than that the arms force are needed to protect the museum parties from the oppose armed groups . The securities arms force shall included the heavy tanks and light armor vehicles , helicopters , hover claffs and speed boats and soldiers that base on religions background . The museum groups shall be trained for 3 to 6 months before there were ready to enter the trouble and dangerous South Thailand . The numbers of people is estimated about few hundreds for each museum groups . The securities hardware is estimated to cost the activities about USD 2 Billions . That is important that the acting Thailand Government agree and work together in the peace effort . The museum shall be retreat if the rebels or other parties attacked by their own interest . Strict action is than arrange to put down the opposition .
Presently the Asia in dangerous of massive wars as in the 60 to 80 . We can do our part in reduced the suffer of local people in the concept that we are one of the living creatures on mother Earth . We should not created the suffering to the animals on Earth and damage our place of living .
The above write out shall be concerned and update from time to time .
17th July 2018.
The interested party are advised to read the histories of Srivijaya and Majapahit and the new histories of the region of interested . I find out that the movie also effective in providing the information of this two major civilizations of the past .
The acting groups should avoid to have the conflick with the present power in the region but only function as moderator to reduce the suffering of local and to divert their attention in political differences . This can be done in long term by the influence of the outer input of living need and religions interaction of neighbouring nations and international . Killing is prohibited by the museums primary securities armed force . The locals are advised to work together with the museums people and concerning them as man kind of same species . Mix marry is promoted for the interacting parties but have to be base on the religion guidance . Make note that the weather are changing as the equator line was shifted to the South near Australia from near the Peninsular Malaya . The change of equator line also change the magnetic field of the earth and the following are weather and earth surface changing that will have big impact on plantation and water level at the land that we live on .
Well ! Now we face the economy down time in China and other regions . We can see the weakness of the free market by the housing investment in China . The economy situation of the rime being more or less effected the political development in this region .
However we do have the other link of economy that base on the history and religions by god . That is the economy that not counted by the present world of civilization but continue the civilization of few thoundson years as we can see in the science fiction . This is the world that gave us the science and God protection .
I have came to the new understanding of our past history in this region that cover the Indonesia to Siberia and crossing Pacific Ocean to the West of America .
The following are the political teams that shall be cover the Siam and Malaya Peninsula buffer zone .
Political teams
1. Srivijaya .
2. Majapahit .
3. Siam .
4. British India .
5. Thailand that also included Singapore .
6. Cathay that cover Malaya to Siberia included the Japan .
7. Cathay Pacific that cover from Cathay , crossing the Pacific Ocean to the West America .
Out of the 7 political teams , 4 , 5 ,6 and 7 are still a life .
The military teams that should be only function in their history territory are Chin , Srivijaya , Majapahit , Siam , Thailand , Manchuria , Chung Kok or Tiomg Hwa , Cathay and Cathay Pacific .
Well ! That all at this time . The Tatoo is pain full and disturbing .
There were many thing going on but most were not able to certified . Many were reported get killed by their opposition of the interest and also security of their leadership . A event happened around 2012 when I was survicing in Malaysia Buddish Association . I came across the Burmise or may be the Siam young people that gathered at Perak Buddha Temple and the Pulau Tikus Thailand and Burma temple as well . Some of them new me . I also get their invitation but I did not joining them . It was a night that fire crackers were heard at the construction building near Gurney . This could be a gun battle that involved a number of gun men of the Siam or Burmise young men to the arm forces . The Arm forces may not be the Malaysian . Paratrooper was also reported landing in Gurney Drive area before the gun battle happened . This was not confirmed but trust able . The armed battle also brake out in Singapore around the same time . This was more like a filled corp . The young soldiers of Singapore were captive in one of the small island in Singapore area . I knew this was the self employ arm force of the previous world . The leader knew me and he made a mistake informing me their planning to capture Singapore as I was always inspected by third parties . They were filled but this let upraising groups knew that the President Lee of Singapore is not the person who hole the key to the underground military arm accessory man .
It seemed to be a bombing at last Friday night where I heard jet screaming over Ayer Itam Penang Island in low altitude and than the cannon sound that may belong to local arm force or the gun ship from other nation . A Indonesian also said she heard it and that may be the event . If the arm battle happened in the sea . No trace can be seen by the public or not allowed to go public by the authorities .
From the above few event that was not comfirmed . We need to be carefull and not to take action by our own . The temples are the way to communicate but not to trust the people there all over . These are may advised .
Make note of the war in Arabia and South China Sea . It was a worse killing in India and the problem came from the printed cash that became not valid and the fake India people that came from China main land .
Up to this moment only for today post and good luck .
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
I Have Better Knew My Self As Well As The Developrment In Sabah And Philippine .
I have found out that I was made as the Emperor by entertainment as well as reality in movie and the second world in the 1976 . I left China due to the human made conflict that resulted the under ground Atomic used in Dang Son at the east of China in 1976 that caused huge casualties reported by my people about 20,000,000 people die and present China data about 240000 death in both parties . The Atomic was used because we can not stop the huge numbers of people from both site which properly killed us as we can not escape .
I also found out that as in the dream I was Alexanda - A Lek Xan Tat 阿立 X 逹 in Japan and kept the Mandarin name Wen Hui in Japan .
My dream as recorded In 13ht July 2017 .
I am doing some thing in a place with white painted cement or rock table in the open air . I saw my guardian lady walking by passing me from the left where it was a house wall . She has a look at me while walking forward . She look like the Kinder Garden Dean and she was about in her mid 30 . She was actually my wife and I have to have sex with all my guardian women if I saw them in reality . I following her in about 10 feets . She made a turning into the house without front wall and took off her cloth and nude sitting at the edge of the wall near at the right front . There were many women and men sitting nude at the wall and the window was about 5 feets long that allowing the sun light to come in .
I took out a old greenish 50 dollar note and gave it to some one that came forward to me and he or she also nude . My guardian wife was sitting at the wall and she asked me to come with her two open legs to sex with her . I intercoursing her in this position . Than I lifted her and put her on the floor facing in the house . I felt not secure in that position as some one else not friendly was sitting at the bench opposite looking at us . There were others sitting beside him at his left . So I lifted my guardian wife turning 180 deg facing to the house front . I saw a man look like Ah Wong in his 30 said he wanted to cut my balls off . He came forward and I have a littler struggler with him . I saw man with white pilot uniform standing at the right beside a flying machine that look like viper in front me 30 feets away . This person height was near to the in air in let of the viper with it nose at top in vertical position and about one third of the viper height .I came into a chamber that look like a shopping lot with window at four wall . I saw space white uniform people partly resting at the four wall site playing attention to me . There were all pilots . A lady pilot in her 30 who look like the jeneral character in the movie the Great Wall came and look at my eye in four feets distance by observation . She was a fair North White Kin lady and a littler big look like Noung Yet . On of the young man in his mid 20 than came forward from the right 2 o’clock to my front with a letter in Japanese word . It was a letter with half cm character and about 3 feets long by one feet wide . The young pilot pointed the space column for me to sigh up . I told him I did not understand Japanese character . I look at the letter again and it look different where the sign column has some character overlapping at side and look a littler greenish and reddish color . I asked the pilots where there came . They replied that they were coming from the international location . I than signed in my Japanese name Ah Lik San Tat . Ah in Japanese Character and other look like the Hang word . I put same letter at the right site of the Ah and Wen Hui 文辉 at the right bellow of the Ah . Than one pilot come forward with upper half of Japan Map fixes to the lower part of Japan map I was holding and we made a matching . I told them the Chung Kok people called me Wen Hui 文辉. I than heard a man in his 30 at the out site come forward few steps said in Mandarin Langguage that “ Wen Hui ! I kill you (文辉!WoZheShiNe)“ . Than I heard a young lady who look like Queen Elizerbert coming from my left behind 45 deg few feets away said in Engglish Language that “ I kill them all! “ . She was my daughter and she was about in her junior collage age . She wanted to kill the international pilots . A pilot came forward to me from his 11 o’clock position and said in Mandarin Language that “ Sky Majestry wanted us to fly 50 miles North ?” . They than when away leaving me alone in the chamber . I walked forward and step on a faction of chicken egg shell that was already flattened . I walked out to the open ground and saw it was a judgement event that look like the Ming era was in progress . I saw the hero of the all religions were standing on top the high stage looking down to the judge stage 50 feets in front and 20 feets bellow . There were old man with long mustacle and yellow Touism cloth and so were other senior beside him . I walked forward passing the stage where the area look like the front center compound of Rifle Ranger Flat Area . I walking into the stage behind where it was a market with howker table . I saw a lady was clopping a meat at the next table that near to the out let to the road . She saw me and came to me telling me something . I than walking to the other way going forward in the market to the open ground 100 feets in front . I came up and saw two young men guard in grayish house servent cloth came to me blocking my way . I also saw another two at the left in yellowish cloth coming to me like wanted to catch me . There could be the enforcement guards of the court .
I suppose to develop in Sabah since 1999 . I have the massage from the Indian that I get the same piece of gem stone as before in the previous British rule time . They were in mind of the dino attacked as they fought before as we can see in the movie The Great Wall .
I did concerning the conflict in Sabah that subsequently resulted the attacked by the American force joined force with the Philippine over the Phalawan Island and Marawi . It was a disaster for the innocent people there . I shall always remember our young people in the force from Peninsular Melaya that die and death in the Sabah before the Sulu people arm force assisted my parties in Sabah and those from Peninsula Melaya .
Friday, April 28, 2017
The Other Blog Lines Were Presently Not Accessable By Myself And May Be Intercepted Away Which Was My Dreams Record That Were Very Important To Me And May Be To The World .
The bolgs address is in the link selected .
Public can read my dreams cast and others in the address in the link 20111105CBHDREAM.
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Recent Development In Sabah .
We have Nurul great news who get a picture together with the Sulu Princess . This implied that the Pakatan Rakyat which was opposing the Barisan of the present Najib Gov was trying to make alley with Sulu Sultanate People .
I also get the negative message from the public . Nurul who was Anwar Ibrahim Daughter who hold a important post in the Pakatan have the tendency to oppose my political stand point and treatenning my security .
Basically my standpoint was a Tripartide Gov that included the people of primary three religions .That are Cristainities , Buddism and Muslim . Other than that the outer circle of believes practice are accepted . The outer circle are the Believe of Touism , Territory believe of heaven and earth goddist by the native local Boneo and the believe of non human intelligence or Alians life . The people of Indian who are the old India believe , they may be the Hinduism has express them self to be the member of my stand point Gov that make the alliance not a Tripartide but a Tetra and cloud be a Penta alliance .
Therefore it was clear that the Muslim will properly not likely to accept my political view point .
My black ground is base on the racial status in the 60 before the formation of Malaysia . The Malay in Sabah was less than 10% that time and others was local native races and many believe in Khatolic and Cristainities . It was clear that the Muslim population have replaced most of the other religions groups in the Sabah and Sarawak and it was going like a partial racial genocide and religions replacement. This was the outcome of the Nation failure after independent from the Great Britain that weakened by the WWII . The former Malaya and the following Malaysia had change the Gov from British India , Tripartie which was lead by the Buddism and the Najib Gov that success Tungku Abdul Razak revolution who took over Tungku Abdul Rhaman Democratic primary gov that was fair share power among the member races .
Image of reference book material .
Website material :
1. Nurul minta maaf di Parliment . Nurul present her regret in the Parliment .
2. Anwar wife and Nurul Izzah gave talk to the press in the related political development .
3. Police Talked To The Press about Nurul Izzah affair in Sabah . The Picture of Nurul and Sulu Princess that cause the political wave .
4. Nurul Izzah Against Present Prim Minister Nazib Tun Razak .
Monday, January 26, 2015
I Have A Number of Name : Buddisht Name , Christain Name , Muslim Name etc .
I was first name Boon Hooi to remember my mother . She was death or alife was not confirmed at my childhood . Than people called me Alexandra , Alixande in California and Australia . I were brought to a few place far away in drug influence to China and other location . May be in European and Japan as well . I can recalled I was in Yunan in the around 1976 . I was in a Collage at European where the public told me the place was Standford Collage where I have my girl friend with me . I was knwon as King Richard Samual but I am not yet confirmed this name . The Lecturer told me that I am the King and a female who look like my first love also mention about Richard and Samual but I do not knew about this name . She said I am death and I only saw her one time in my services period from 1992 Sep . to 1995 Janualy and 1999 to 2003 in the University Malaya .
I have some memory in the New Constructed Japan light carrier . I was asked by a man to see the view in the port and stand there . I saw civilian people came up from the platform hanger .
Other than that I name my self as Kakarya Solarshima which mean bright light above the sky of an Island in Japanese Language. Shima mean Island , Solar mean sky and Karkaya mean bright light , that is Hooi/ 輝 in Mandarin Language .
I was known as Susilo Bambang by the Indonesia people . Some time I do have this former Indonesia President feature . I was also known as Max by the European and they should be the Italian . I was taken away from the Church from the hand of God Mother who wearing the church red cloth with many closs . The Siam people also called me Rama Chulalongkong *. The India name me as Muthi and Mohan . I saw a man told me that he was Mohan . He shown me the god symbo . He is a Shik .
In this time I an known as Alexande Beverly Boon Hooi Edward XII . The god father name me Beverly as he also though that I was a girl in my babyhood . I may have a twin brother but not confrimed . His man identified me as Alexanda B , to diffeciate my twin brother Alexanda A .
In summary my name and life event as the following .
Running and escaped from enemy before born . Have a short happiness in country home with father and long neck dino . Inmature born by revenger killer who cut my mother abdomen . Care by dino . I was name Boon Hooi to memory my mother by four young females . I was send to a Cristanity Home by the CIA . The family son , Tian Hai was killed by Junior Tiger . The family man Ah Kuan was killed properly by dogs in UK . My god mother and I were murder at the Sungai Pinang river . I survive and care by the US Marine enginering personnel Chong Hong Ping . My new family also own the MAS , the Malaysia Air Liner . I was milk with Lion milk . It was a accident or a murder again in the Lion cage . I was prononce death and buried with a coffin . The Buddist nun dug the coffin out and found that I was alife . They adopted me . I have my penis growing out and the nun designed to sent me to the Shuolin monk . I had my x-art training by my Master . Chong Hong Ping found me and he claimed me black . I was black to the cats family again . This is a cristain family that have the alliance with the Buddist . I was became the son of the good of mercyness . The conflic happened in the Buddist family and Chong Hong Ping brought me to the United State in my one and half years old . National security crisis happened in the White House and we run away escape together with the Sixth Fleet going South , South America , Austraria , Antatica to Indonesia - Malaya .
We have the tsunamies war and nuclear war that was not reported in today school histories .
I was murdered again in year 7 . When I returned I was only known as a 4 years old boy **. Many people were death in racial conflick at the time I was in coma . A few years later in 1969 it happened 513 incident where many Chinese and Malay were killed . I was sent abroad carrier Shangri-la and escape to Kota Tinggi , Johor . I have my school started in a country site and few months later transfer to Sekolah Rendah Batu Road Sentul KL in 1971 . It was a big flood that time . I was black to Penang Island in 1972 and have my half year family life with grandparent and study in Sungai Pinang Sin Min Yee primary school . After that Chong Hong Ping was in service in the Carrier again and I was sent to Georgetown black to his son Johnnei Chong Kim Oon family . I have my primary and secondary education completed in Chung Hwa Confucian . Sixth Form in Penang Free School and repeated half year upper Sixth in Hang Chiang High School . Then I have my first External Degree in Tungku Abdul Rhaman Collage in 1986 . It was a emergency again in Kuala Lumpur that year . I graduated in 1990 and join Universiti Sain Malaysia in 1990 April up to 1992 September . Then I joined Universiti Malaya from 1992 to 1995 . I have my carrier in private sector from 1995 to 1999 before joined black and have my second degree studied in Universiti Malaya again until 2003 . I did not compete dissertation project and when black to Penang again .
03 July 2005 .
I have confirmed my Critain name as Richard Samual . Public also help me to recalled that I run away from the crown - the regulation in the book at the right was too restrain where time to home is very limited . I run away as I can recalled but I can not remember how I came back to home in Malaysia .
Now to avoid public confusion of myself , my Khatolic name is Alexande and so is the muslim knew me as Alexande . My Cristain name is Richard Samual and my Chinese name is Boon Hooi .
Updated 2016 April 4th .
I had found out that I have at least three married under drug spiked . That were married with a British , married with a Malay and Married with a Japan-Indonesian . I also found out that my married with a Malay was recorded as a TV program and I saw it .I am properly remarried again with the British . Other than that I should have married a number of times with the Actress . I did found out I participated in a few movies but it were all under the drug .
Recently I get the massage from the public I have a new Japan name that was 柛木阿里山。 I also found out that I have a name that sound like the Siam name or a Manchuria name and may be the China Shin Chiang people name .
Updated 2016 October 22th .
* The Siam people called me Rama Chulalongkong because I was selected as a Symbol of The Siam King Five Rama Chulalong kong and acted as King Rama Chulalongkong in the Golok River memory event in the year 2000 an before the upraising .
** I was married a number of times where I saw my wife's and have sex before I am reproductive . I was than in coma again and returned as a mentally retarded boy .
Saturday, December 6, 2014
Problem With Inexperience Interested Political Parties .
I have met a number of people that interested to the Political Event In This Region . However most of them are lacking of gueiden and they are properly to create unexpected political movement as it always happened in Malaysia .
The Politiacal Status That Were Interested By The Public As Following .
1). Singaporean Interest In Penang And Malaysia .
I was knowtice by the plublic a few time that the Singaporean was interested to Penang . I have a Idea that the Penang to be under Singapore Management in exchang of the dept of Malaysia present Gorvernment to Singapore . However The Singaporean claiming that the dept of Malaysian present Gorvenment is very high in the way that Singapore can by the Malaysia which borrowed a huge money from many Nations that included Singapore , Japan , Saudi Arabia , China , Burnia , Jerman and United State .
I was told that Singapore put same of it force in Penang to protect it citicen and potential political people . I am one of the potential political person .
i met the Singaporean in public who speak out their openion . The audult was mature and not agrassive . The young Singaporean were inexperience and they came in 20 person strong . This group were in their 20 and they were talkative . They can cause the conflek with the Malaysian and other foreiners parties that interested in other political view point such as Islamic Nation , Thai Terrotory , Penang Independent , Chine Rule and others .
2). The Sabahan Invitation .
I met with the Sabahan that I knew but not confrimed and that I did not known . They were Sabahan Asked me to go to Sabah . But I did not knew them . They were Sabahan Kristain who read my blogspot that wrote about my babyhood in dream that the Bible was written in Malay Language . They knew me as they read my blogspot about my dream . I was in their home before .
3). Who should rule the Penang .
They were parties aggrasive in obtain Penang political power . This group are not care of the Penang Histories but more in present people selection .
4) . Chinese Communist Groups .
The Chinese with communist blackground were treaten the Penang . The China companies were long involved in Malaysia development exspecially in construction such as Dam and road . The members of the company were mostly Communist orientated . However most of them did not understand what is communism . They are more like gangters with uneducated blackground . Some may used the name of communist but they actually the criminal in society .
5) . The Indunesian People .
The Indonesian are long in Malaysia . Many of Malaysia citizen is the third generation Indonesian that hold the Malaysia citizenship . These group of people were under depression by the Malaysia Gorvenment as I can see started from the 90 . They claimed the Malaysia is belong to them .
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