Monday, December 23, 2013

Pending for a Mig 19 and Harrier Jump Jets and flying car for civillian .

I was infromes to be received a Mig 19 that belong to my mother . However the people who work out the Mig 19 wanted me to be a vegetarian but I can't make it in my present life style and health condition . I also received the info that the China gov. knew the Mig and they intercept our progress . The Mig 19 was pending Pass to me so that they can test my potential to sense the drogan in Yunan terrotory . The British Jump Jet people intended to prepare the Harrier jets for my team . One of my care taker that may be my father or his same brother visited me with the harrier after the 2004 Ache tsunamy disaster . They may not knew each other as they were from different groups. The same people that pending to provided me with my mother Mig also working out to made the 3 tonnes lorry fly . Well , I am looking forward the civillian to fly their cars and transporter as I saw before I was hit down in child age . We shall all prepare for the nature dissasters and possible war conflics . Good luck . Update 01hFeb2014 . It seemed like the MIG 19 I can get from my mother is not cabable of vertical landing and take off . In my specification the transport I can get should be able to land on most of the ground in Tibet and Guan See of China . My objective are to seach for the Drogan and Long Neck Dino that I have with them in my babyhood .

Saturday, November 9, 2013

I have just inmind I was In China Yunan Shangri-la before .

Johnney Chong And His Partney brought me to Shangri-la in 1975 or 1976 . They asked me to memoried the road site statue and the small Lasad that was seen from the hill road . I watch the documentary series and recalled that I was there before . I supposed to stay there as it was my assigned home to be a monk and study in site the Buddism castle . However I was not giving the buddism education in Malaysia that I was rejected from to be a monk in the castle as I was already 11 to 12 years old . The monk in the small Lasad needed to be train started from very young age . Johnney Chong was a thinker of Soviet Union Communism person and he directed me not to be a monk even though he has a good relation with the senior monks by the influence of his Japanese mother and Shoulin Monks that help him alot .

Old Man Told Be I Was Planed To Become A Harrier Pilot .

A Old man told me that I was actually planed to trained as a Harrier Jumjet pilot . However I was in coma for a long time and the jet assigned to be was builded but never fly in service . The jet should be the prototype version as the link following . Another link of Harrier Jump Jet . By the way , one of the ship in our New Horizon fleets was sole to China and they have enter the superior ship studying it . The public told me that many navy ships was present at the ship location . I suppose to enter the ship but my people was concerned of my salfty . The ship was said to have nuclear arms in it .

Sunday, October 6, 2013

I was name Boon Hooi after my mother name as she was death when I just came out to the world in a scafully manner .

Two young English Language speaking ladys name me Boon Hooi after my mother name . My mother was death at that time but I can't confirmed it . I do have two lady that I assume them to be my mother from the dreams infomation . I almost came to the conclusion from my dreams info . My mother was living with the long neck dino before I came to the world . They was another new born with me but I am not yet confirmed his or her identity . I may be a twin and may be not . I heard Chinese Mandarin , Malay Language and English Language before came to the world . My baby hood were very high tech , interesting and paintfull . I saw dino , tiger , croc , Lion , snake , Polar Bear and even dragon that live as my gardian and frienship neighbourhood . I travel with flying machine , jet , marines and also source almost when around the world . I was in American president jet travelling with adventure and I lost my one of the mother who look like Asian Marylin Monreo and also Chinese star Faye Wong in the president plane that was said to be mine plane . I stayed in the castle before and also the civilian home . I went through a number of social insergencies that caused many life . I have very closed relation with the Buddism parties and also with the Cristain and the Muslim as well . I have a very important relation with the Malaysia Air Line . I have a very important part in Singapore political event . I was the child actor in advertisment and in the movie . I have went through the Asian War that was actually the World War in the 60 . I have saw the Thailand New King . I have good relation with the Combodia Monk , Tibet Buddist , Shoulin monks and yellow cloth monks . I aslo have the good relation with the Indian and Cristain and the Italian that I only knew them in babyhood before I was strike and lost memories . I am actually a member of the German Hitler superior partly that talk two Language where one of it was English Language . I have many name . That included Boon Hooi , Beverly , Alexande and Susilo Bambang and monk names . There are more thing to write but I should stop it at present and continue in future .

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Hai Carrier Shangri-la Z And Sabah Prespective .

The old man told me I have reserved in USA . Than I was told that the reserved was about 100 Millions . The money was actually the reserve of the carrier Shangri-la . This money was just enough for the carrier to make a trip to Penang . I was also known that I was delicated to rule Sabah so as we can built a fleet to face the end of the world and the new world with the new geography earth surface lands and oceans . I am hopefully that the potential parties will concert of my above statement .

Thursday, July 11, 2013

What happened In China .

It was a unfortunate event happened to the military of China . The friendy teams were fire to each other that caused my mothers army suffer great lost . A Old General of China was death . These was happened in Yun Nan . I get the message from the public . That was the time a lot of domestic animal death body were flashed down in the rivers and the time the killing flu infection outbreak .

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

My name is Alexande . Boon Hooi is actually my mother name .

Hi Readers ! My name is Alexande . Boon Hooi is actually my mother name . I am a test tube baby . Therefore I have two mothers . I also have a number of baby sisters that I though they were my mother . Publics knew me as Boon Hooi and also Alexande . Other names as in the blogspot headline were the nick name or the name people mistaken me as the person or the name given by the people in their state of living such as Susilo Bangbang in Indonesia , Suva in Thailand and Indonesia . I was physically seen as a female at the time I came to the world . My mother saw that I was a girl but actually I was not enough months and not yet fully growth . The Father who I met in the Cristaine Chrush In Penang told me that he gave me the name Beverly as he though I am a girl . I was also known as Rama......... in Thailand and Shiharnowat in Combodia .

Saturday, March 23, 2013

My ID was clearer now . Nuclear War Head . Tsunamies .

The armies brought me from the West together with the Nuclear device and arms and advance tecnologies . The China Last Emperor men joining the team in China and they get the Nuke War head from us . The war head were used againt out number enemies that they also did not know what was happening . It was a disaster to every one that we and our nest generation needed to learn for . The Nuclear War Head that were used in the mid 1960 properly came from the inventary in F-106 Force . In my understanding the F-106 was belong to China Air Force coexisted with the China Space Programme of the 1960 . The Nuclear capability force was flown to America that time after the emergency broke out in China that cause many life . Web site resourse for ferences : 1. The F-106 Tactical Jet Fighter . 2. I had wrote down my dreams in 20111105CBHDREAMS . The post 35 , Detonation indicated that we have conducted underwater nuclear detonation to create the tsunamies . The tsunamies was made to stop the enemy armies advanced and fishing as the food was not available at war time .

Sunday, January 27, 2013

I am not a army Juntai like the North Korean President or Dictator like the Mymma President .

I met a Khotolic old man in MBA . We have met few time before . I though he was a God Father . He told me before but this time he told me he was not a God Father . He told me that I am the army Junta . He was wrong . I was in royal family and US sociaty before I was striked to unconceous and lost all the wealthy life after wake up and can not recalled my passed . Now I knew that I was with the royal family and American top sociaty before . My family own the plantation , Oil field , Diamond Industries , gold mine and event the air craf and militaries industries . We have actually form the New Horizon alliance that replace the Great Briton . Reader read my blogspot will understand my origine .