Saturday, November 9, 2013

I have just inmind I was In China Yunan Shangri-la before .

Johnney Chong And His Partney brought me to Shangri-la in 1975 or 1976 . They asked me to memoried the road site statue and the small Lasad that was seen from the hill road . I watch the documentary series and recalled that I was there before . I supposed to stay there as it was my assigned home to be a monk and study in site the Buddism castle . However I was not giving the buddism education in Malaysia that I was rejected from to be a monk in the castle as I was already 11 to 12 years old . The monk in the small Lasad needed to be train started from very young age . Johnney Chong was a thinker of Soviet Union Communism person and he directed me not to be a monk even though he has a good relation with the senior monks by the influence of his Japanese mother and Shoulin Monks that help him alot .

Old Man Told Be I Was Planed To Become A Harrier Pilot .

A Old man told me that I was actually planed to trained as a Harrier Jumjet pilot . However I was in coma for a long time and the jet assigned to be was builded but never fly in service . The jet should be the prototype version as the link following . Another link of Harrier Jump Jet . By the way , one of the ship in our New Horizon fleets was sole to China and they have enter the superior ship studying it . The public told me that many navy ships was present at the ship location . I suppose to enter the ship but my people was concerned of my salfty . The ship was said to have nuclear arms in it .