Thursday, May 29, 2014

Penang And Sabah : What Should We Do ? Singapore in 2017 after China set out ports in Johor Bharu and Near to Melaka .

For Those Interest To Establish In Sabah , They Needed To Be Conduct Under The Supervision Of Religion Groups . I have met people who like to establish in Sabah . Thier method were wrong as they did not have the primary defence system in organized such as the ship and plane . What they have was the convoi with trafic and army gun as defence . In my openion , We should have the training and people selection in Penang . First of all we needed to control Penang as a training ground and model of development in Sabah . I have a plane to visit China in the coming year . For those who knew me well , I have a complicated famaly ships and political black ground . I knew that the Singapore PM did concerned that I am not a Chatolic and thus not suitable to function as a leader . But in my consideration , the religion are developed as it was by human misconduct that leaded to a great dissaters of man kind . The religions should work together in compomising for human wealth . Keep contact and give and provide positive effort in our planning in Sabah Establishment . 01thMei2017 . As new development in the Straight of Melacca . China already move in setting up a port with sattelites towns support near Negeri Sembilan and Melaka . China also constructed a port at Johor Bharu opposite Singapore . The situation has change . The above ports surely affected Singapore economy . The Singapore needed to reduce it population in order to reduce the economy pressure of Singapore due of reduced number of it international port usage . I personally well came Singaporian migration to Penang but only a few in the number of 100000 people only in Balik Pulau . However this people have to contribute to the development of towns in the Balik Pulau with their experience from Singapore high tech city model and put more water into the three main rivers in order to take care of the aquatic life in the Isle of Penang - The Pear of Orient or Pulau Mutiara. I also support the migration of Singaporean to the State of Kedah and South Thailand in proper planning and put the environment in number one consideration before make the earth work . This is a response to the open of canal in South Thailand .