Monday, December 23, 2013

Pending for a Mig 19 and Harrier Jump Jets and flying car for civillian .

I was infromes to be received a Mig 19 that belong to my mother . However the people who work out the Mig 19 wanted me to be a vegetarian but I can't make it in my present life style and health condition . I also received the info that the China gov. knew the Mig and they intercept our progress . The Mig 19 was pending Pass to me so that they can test my potential to sense the drogan in Yunan terrotory . The British Jump Jet people intended to prepare the Harrier jets for my team . One of my care taker that may be my father or his same brother visited me with the harrier after the 2004 Ache tsunamy disaster . They may not knew each other as they were from different groups. The same people that pending to provided me with my mother Mig also working out to made the 3 tonnes lorry fly . Well , I am looking forward the civillian to fly their cars and transporter as I saw before I was hit down in child age . We shall all prepare for the nature dissasters and possible war conflics . Good luck . Update 01hFeb2014 . It seemed like the MIG 19 I can get from my mother is not cabable of vertical landing and take off . In my specification the transport I can get should be able to land on most of the ground in Tibet and Guan See of China . My objective are to seach for the Drogan and Long Neck Dino that I have with them in my babyhood .

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