Monday, December 3, 2012

My Family have a good relation with the Thai Royal family .

I have a dream yesterday that I am looking at a diamond and the model with the other three . We planed to by a diamond that was about 2 cm square as a present to the Queen of Thai .

Friday, October 19, 2012

Dreams That Sound Like Real Visitors Talk .

I have a dream yesterday that , may be two Malay Females told me that I am the Emperor . They were just out side my bed room . They said China and Britain was also included .

I have recalled a A4 Copy I get from the recycle work in the Old Fork Home 2 years ago . The copy was a prediction of a priest that China and Britain will joining their force invade the Europe in 1970 .

Well!  It was over but we needed to made note the war event happened in the 1960 all over the planet earth .

Monday, August 27, 2012

My Name ? My Origine ?

I heard a man siad in Mandarin Language ' Built submarine ' and ' Tanks move forward 50 km ' . I was on a run before born . My mother may name Boon Hooi or Ah Hooi as the local called . The people encounter was not knowing my mother well . I was name Boon Hooi or Ah Hooi after born . People call me Alexandra in America . They was people called me Alexande . Properly in Australia . The Indonesia also call me Suva . Suva is meaning the son of the Tiger . Other aslo knew me as Susilo Bangbang . I have forget my life in 1 to 3 years old . I even though that Beverly was my name . Beverly was my childhood partner . I was made to be know as a girl to the public before found out by the unauthorized intruder . The Great Briton that time not allow the male of Royal Blood Line to be in other hand . It happened to be a dissaster to the Malaya and others region of British terrotories . That is all up to know . May God Protect the readers . I have a dream that Beverly riding the white Retreiver . Public told me she was death that day in a car accident . The caused was the dog scared of the lion I riding on to show her. After that I was hit by a fiece lady with a tick wood on top of head and inconceous . When I awakened I was in Penang Road pre war house . Public told me that the incident cause a riot . It was the second 513 . Beverly death at the age of 7 to 9 years old . She was a little mantle retarded as the incident in apartment when the intruders who may be the Bangadashi through her down to the pool few stories bellow. I was also in coma for a few years that when I awakened I was only around 3 years old but Beverly was 7 to 9 years old . We were the twin and we both were male . Beverly was not a female in Biological but a male . We were twin that we look alike like a mirror . Two Events That Very Important In Memories were . Madam Soong May Lin Aked Me To Distributed The Land Equaly To Every One And I said Yes (好). General Young said all right (好的) to a Senior General Who Look Like The Present Singopore Leader Lee Cian Long In His 40an of Age After He Demand General Young Who Take Care Of Me To Select The Best One For Him ( Ref. 12). References : * continuosly updating . 1. Jurney before born . 2. Picture Illustration . My Home land were inhabited with free living Dinosours . The representative picture were the two dino picture I sketched as I saw in dreams . 3. The time I leave the village and mother . 4. Away From The Long Neck Dino . 4.1. Dreams of naked ladies dancing . 4.1.a. Complex Dream That The Readers should Read It Properly To Know How My Origine . 4.1.a.1. I was in other party hand away from the two ladies who take care of me . 4.1.b. The Hiltler Name In Dream . ( I needed to updated the post . Examted was actually not included . I have spelling problem ) . 4.1.c. The Unfortunated Event In The Lion Cage . 4.1.1. Replacament of China King Ah Kun who was death in riot due to the dirty trick in space programme . The Mother In The Native Village And Grandmother Family . C 130 event and advance short take off passenger plane land on desert hih ground . Tiger In The Park . * May be a Siberian Female Tiger . Tigers and The Bank . 4.2. * Recured and kipnap , Godfather and coup . 5. Attacked In The Party . 5.1 Big Dino Eggs , Ell , German and The Cyboard man . 6. Dream of Big Old House , Family And Flying Machine . 6.1. The Princess And Me And The Malay Parade . 7. Big cats and me . 8. Granfather Chong Hong Ping . * He may not my Grandfather . 9. The Frighters Jet And Nuclear Weapons . 10. The China Kingdom Tarrotories And Me . 11. Business man and the Buddists . 11.1. Lady , Wash Room , White Corc And Yellow White Snake . 11.1.i. Picnic At Sea Side And Submarine . 11.1.ii. Lady And Croc Show At Recreation Park , Super Croc At The Sale House , Double Wave And Special Force And The King . 11.1.iii. Shooting Event In The Construction Site , The Special Force , Air Port Men , Polish , Grandfather And His Action Partner , Demontration Public Shot Down . 11.2. Soon May Ling and A man look like former China Comunist President Chiang Zee Ming and me in a party . 12. Refused In High Land . 12.2. The American CIA told me Cristain can not Independent . 13. Rescused from the kipnaped . Mig 21 Searching , Missile or Space Ship base , UFO . 14. 12 . Flood And Tsunami . 14.1. The Fiece Talent White Short Long Dog , Indonesian Girl And Native With Long Hair And Buddhi Leaf Shape Metal Blade , Army With The King , Giant , Insects Bit And The Transparent Brwonish Cristal Magic Box . 15. Emergency Leaving The Big Old House .

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Updated for Johnnei Chong .

It were many people told me about Johnnei Chong Kim Oon . The following were the messages I get from the public . 1. Johnnei Chong was death in a travel at outstation before I was 3 years old . He was a tour bus driver at that time . He was accused of run over the poor thin Indians fellow that pretended to be hit by the bus we were in . He than killed by the local Indian community at that location . 2. John Chong was death in Singapore in his work as a tour bus driver from Malaysia to Singapore . I saw a man with his wife in 1996 to 1998 at Singapore Woodland . He was looking at me for a long time at the restoresnt . He look like Grandfather Chong Hong Ping who passes away in 1978 . This person may be Johnnei Chong . 3. Johnnei Chong was killed in the 1980 pn when the East Tour Company tranfer hand to the local Malay boss . The management change the system from 3 drivers to only one driver of the tour bus . He has to drive the bus for long distance from Penang to Singapore . That time the high way not yet completed . It needed 12 hours time to travel with the bus from Penang to Johor Bharu . He was said to be death and replaces at the half way with a person who look like him . I have a dream in the 1986/87 that Johnnei Chong was beheaded and his head was hang on a monggo tree. That time I was first year in TARC KL . Anyway many people look like him . It was a old team of Malaysia army that look like Johnnei Chong . The Sweden Air Force pilots of retired Mirage FIII also look like Johnnei Chong . Even the Harrier Jump Jet pilots of Royal British Air Force also have Johnnei Chong feature . References : 1. Johnnei Chong Kim Oon as my father .

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Married Problem ?

I am not insisted to be married . Anyway I prefer to have a good family life . It was very late for me as I was near to 48 years old . I inherited the royal blood line. It was this factor that effect my progeny . Anyway the selection was up to the board . The new wolrd reject the royal family concept . My self think that it was still needed in order to united the human kind blood lines from varies politicals , religions and people who seperated by the physical geography environment. I my self did not know my primary mother language . Two of the parent language is Engglish Language that I can communicate well . The other one was properly the Jerman priimary Language or the Asian Native Language . I would like to have two wife like the Angel . This seemed to be contradic to the Katholic and Kristain Phelosophy but not the Buddism and others religions . I was not as simple as U think of . My stories in Dreams were real event in the dreams . That is all at this time being for this post . Thank You .

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Penang Politic.

I have the massage that most of the Penangist prefer Penang to be away from the Malaysia alliaence . The Indian community prefer Penang to be Independent . Other prefer Penang to be part of China . And others like it be joining Thailand . I my self presently prefer Penang to be part of USA that the Gaberno as the state representative or return to Britain rule that Gaberno General as the Nation representative if the War is not happened . I remine the interested parties that Independent is not the right route. How the country make a living ? Singapore is actually the USA military base . In addition the PM of Singapore is not eligible to join the USA general election as president candidate . I personnaly well come Singapore to put their affort in Penang politic development . I predicted Singapore will be facing a great problem in the near future . I get the massage from the advance Submarine about a year ago. However I can't proven it to you . I shall be on board if the crews come to take me . I believe that the Sub is armed with outstanding machinary that they can do almost what ever planned . Public groups exspecially the military shall not cheat me with your tactic as you did before . We shall see the outcome of the new coming election result if it can bring about the change to my above statement . The election is the good practice to collect openion from the resedents ( Included the positive mine new comers ) . Public was concerned of the New Horizon of the mid 1960 . I wellcome the European Parties included the Russia and the former colonials citizens of European countries to have their development over here . I have studies the impact of the 2012 earth change . What I have now is the coconut and the mineral bottle that can keep me floating on the water . ................

Saturday, July 14, 2012

It was properly the sabotaj to the Great Britain in the 1964.

Reader shall read my recent post in 20111105cbhdream headline Voice of Sabotage To The Nation . It seem like it was a corn practice to the Great Britain . However public told me it was over . Anyway I was not yet control the situation as I should do .

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Public needed to know the source that are with us.

I have a number of encounter with the UFO. The big one was huge bigger than the 747 and flying very fast than the jet fighter. The small one is the size of the coconut flower leave. I did not have the contact with the UFO but I have it in the dream. It was my family in the dream. I am now put the attention on politic and military. We should prepared for the politic down turn as in the 60 and 2012 possible end of the world and the new beginning.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Public Wonder Why I have No News For Such A Long Time.

I have my dreams written in other blogspots. Readers can check it in cbhooi330 You Tube video. For the guide line, please read the following blogspot and others by google seach. 20111105CBHDREAMS or dreams recorded from the date 2011 Nov fith. Over here I thank public for their concerned of my word in the write out. I shall be more carefull in my write out and more prefessional. I have the news from public of Singapore Mr. Lee about the failled uprising by the Singaporeans and the independent force from United State. Mr. Lee said it was the bait to attract these groups of rebelion in order to control the situation of State securities. He also concerned of the huge force of China origin if the situation in this region was out of control. The potential militaries powers in China did have some of my influencials. It was the product of god or ancesster. We have to consider other military powers in other sites of the world. We needed to understand the social structure and religions. I have lost my leadership in the military power as my grandfather and father have before. I believe that I was stil very influencial in militaries strenght that we can'nt see it directly. In my consideration, the rebel did the right thing but only that they were not well planned and lack of experience and support from superpower. They have contact me but I my self think that they let me knew the intention but not allowed me to take action together. Other group was not brave enough and not direct enough to invite me for their rebellion planning. They said I am useless. I need brave people and direct people for the military and political planning action. Reader should read my dreams well to understand my nature of blackground. Public should knew that the USA not allowed me to independent since my baby time 1966/67. ( Cristain can not indipendent). Without independent , I can not arrange the project like what the former president of Irad Sadam Hussion did. Ha! At this time facing 2012/13 end of the word phenomenon treat. We need to build the machinary like air ship, ballon and escaped equipment to face the natural disasters. From 2000 to now 2012 it were more than a million people death in the earth quake and it direct effect such as tsunamies. I have two blogspot that reader needed to read to understand me before they can make a good action together in my present.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Chong Kim On @ Johnnei Chong.

My father Chong Kim Oon or Johnnei Chong Kim Oon was passed away in 2009 just after three weeks of Chinese New year and two years after the demolition of the big Old House. Public dissapointed that why I did not wrote about him as they request for so many months. I also aware of people trying to use the info in the net to cheat our friendly, for political purpose as well as monney. My Grandfather was very rich man. I hope public understand what I mean. My grandfather Chong Hong Ping have three borned with the first wife Tan Kim Siew. The first borned was a female. The secong one was my father Johnnei or Chong Kim Oon . The third one was also a male, my uncle Jimmy. My father study in Singapore until form 2 in 1953 as the cool war between the Communist block and the West happened, my grandfather brought him back to Penang. This was way he did not have a high education even though he was very good in his performance in Singapore High School. He knew my mather in the air engineering industries as my grandfather was one of the chiefs man in planes development. What was actually happened myself and others also not very sure. My father could be the tween. Johnnei may not be my real father but he raised me until I completed the tertially education. Well I could be Grandfather second wife Lim Geat Cheng son where Ah Keoh was my sister and Mee Mee was the adopted doughter of Grandfather. The following was the picture of grandparent and aunties before I borned.
Others thinks that I was the son of Queen Elizebert II. Johnnei Chong was the chairman of the Lim Seng Seng Penang Green Bus Company Labour Party in the 1970 period. He was very active in the labour party and his team conducted a number of demonstration along his duties in the company until the 1980s onward to 1996 he was absorpted by the East Tour International Company. He was actually joined the communist party in the 1960 period. My father was very aggresive at the time where my mother was missing in the America. I was said to be made in the special force transport plane Berverly where Grandfather was the top team members. It was a very great event at my baby hood time that my father play a major rule in the blood and life demand catastopic great escape from the superpower Great Briton. Our jurney across Swittzerland/ Norway, Soviet Union, may be Tibet, Mongolia ,China, Vietnam , Australia and here Malaysia. We form a New Horizon in Soulth East Asia with the support of America superpower. The event happened from 1964 to 1972 where the Commuist Parties and the royal supporters tried to get me to their hand. Johnnei Chong was so influencial in his team mate as my grandfather was a key man in the armies. My grandfather did not give a singer cent to my father as he was a communsit. Johnnei Chong told me that grandfather did not give a single cent to him. Any way he did not think like the communist. He told me in the 80 at Sungai Pinang Balik Pulau Penang durian farm in Hakka dialect that 'The farm belong to grandfather (he actually mean that the farm belong to the ancester) don't need to work also have food to eat. He was too young to lead the armies. He had made two very big mistake that was not published. The first one was in China. Our team was fitted with high tech space technology. We conducted the space programme in China. The root of the problem was one of the China General planned to send me to space. He designed to send a baby to space. The rocket was flying to space. The dog, my dog guardian was following. When the craff returned. They found the dog cooked body. My father can't found me and he was very angry. He was mad and soughted that ' Kill all the scientist '. His followers and the people of China were very angry with the unaccepable action to send a baby to space. They killed all the scientific personnel in the space programme head quaerter. Some manage to escape included the monks. The monk told me that the mook was crazy and they were so many and uncontrolable. The only way they can do was escape with the submarine. This was way they were away from the China. The King and Queen of China was said to be killed in the riots. The King and Queen was my parent in the dream that I called them " fathar king and mather queen". The second mistake he made was in the America when my mother when missing. He had lead his team mates searching for his love. He took me along in the search. Many church service man was killed in the incident included a priest or the god father. I saw the event in the dream. Public remined me not to forget the attacked of the carrier incident. In the emergency 513 in 1968/69, I was manage to on board the carrier Z Shangri -la. I was send to Johor and stayed in Kota Tinggi for about a year. My grandfather was hiding me in Johor oil palm estate settlement. My father doubth that why I did not return as others. He lead a team of force with helicaptor,properly the Nuri Transport Copter onboard the carrier Z. They have the battle there. His team manage to enter the control room. The captain obey his order but the management killed the captain of the carrier. The carrier was out of control and than collided and sunk. The communist parties said it was better to sink the carrier. If not many jet fighter planes will deployed again. Johnnei Chong and his team lost the war to the West. His parties member in China was lost to a team of betrayer. However president Chiang Zee Ming help up in the China civil battle. After the 513 emergency , he secure a job as a bus driver in Penang Isle. This was a punishment to him but actually the new China Communist secure his life and his team. Anyway we lost the primary status in China Mainland. Johnnei Chong was said to be destroy his own son armies, the New Horizon Armies. He did not watch out his back yard. His team mates in China at Soulth Fuciang distric was all death. The support from China was terminated. Johnnei Chong suitcide in China before. He was a cook for the rebel. The rebel have no food to continue their struggle. That time the rebel called China as Dang Sun. They ask him to kill his son as food for the rebel. He killed a baby who was claimed as his son by the General and cook it for the rebel. After that he took a bottle of gasoline commited suitcide. Johnnei Chong told me that he was smell gasoline for a two month. He survived and the General told him that was not his son. Johnnei Chong told me in the 80an that all the scientist in China was sloughter by the people. He did not told me that he was the leader in the unfortunated event. In Johnnei retiree life. He was charsed out from the Sun Moon City Flat/Aparment home in Paya Terubong Penang by my mother around 1998. He stayed along out site included in the Prai and around year 2004 until his death he was introduced to a wealthty man in Georgetown where he attending for his wooden single story 10 Millions bangalore. Public should not trust what the baby knew. A senior general told me before that he told me the out come of a military action and I only knew clapping hand as in the speach of VIP in public. I properly did not know what was actually going on. I knew my present mother was not the real mother. She look like my real mother and thus my father Johnnei Chong like her. 'Pak Poh Thai' , a senior of the big Old House who has passed away in the 80pn told me before I was studied in TARC Setapak KL Malaysia that a lady left my father as she did not want him. Than father saw my mother and he asked Pak Poh Thai to introduce mother to him. The following is my parent married photo around 1963/64.
Johnnei Chong Properly was a twin. I saw a guide in dream look like him. However he was darker like a office Indian. I saw a German man before 1969 racial riot where I was purposely put at road side near Rifle Ranger Flat and he came to me and said ' That is Shit'. I saw the same man in the Botanical Garden at Kangaroo compound. Johnnei Chong also there that time. They look alike but the man was darker and Johnnei was more fair as he was a air contitional tour bus driver. The man told me that the kangaroo knew me. At the time Johnnei Chong called my name in Hakka dialect ' Ah Hooi! We go further insite to see the bear' . A male kangaroo jumped to me and look into my eye/stair at me . The Kangaroo have big eye. The third time I saw the man may be him was in 2005 after the Ache tsunami. He look like a red hair German and also a little big look like Johnnei Chong. The Jets planes than came close a few minutes later. The man may appear again last year 2011. He have the white hair and look like Johnnei Chong. He told me I did not receipt the video clip he sent. They knew that I did not catch up with time. Reference: 1. Carrier Shangri-la. to be continue.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Mongolia Prince or Great Briton Family.

My dream indicated that I was in a tankers team. I heard a Commander or General talk in Mandarin Language that ' Tanker move forward 50 Km. Beware of the behind '. This talk proved that I was in Tankers team. I also heard a ,may be the same person said in Mandarin Language that ' Build small submarine ' . This dream that I mimic in dream talk so as the above tankers advancement proved that the team I was in capable of construct submarine. What I knew was that the team I was in also armed with nuclear weapons.

The 1964 October 5th history was a team of former Soviet Union tankers were destroyed by a atomic explosion in Inner Mongolia. This was the first atomic explosion in China. My info was the atomic bomb was offer by the America to destroyed the 20000 strong Soviet Union tanker battalion that was station in Inner Mongolia to the border of China Territories. This is the fist time China Scientist learn about the atomic bomb. They studies the bomb before drop it to the Soviet Union armour team.

I was in site the China territories just before the Atomic explosion. Public told me our team already abandon the tankers. A Mongolia Prince who wanted the armours was death in the atomic explosion.
The Mongolian claimed that I was the Mongolia Prince an they in tented to take me home in order to control the political conflict over there. Anyway they was not yet proven my identities. The Russian claimed that I was the prince of the Great Briton that escort with the armour battalion. I was born ed after the atomic explosion. Pu shall read my other blogs in order to understand my live in babyhood. Public shall read my blogs in You Tube cbhooi330. There are two blog spot address in the channel. The second blogspots address was

Blogspot post for reference:

My dreams with Nuclear weapon evident.

1. Two men talk about atomic bomb at the sea side.

2. The huge explosion that generate tsunami at the sea side.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Human skin colour/colors ?

In my understanding the Asian, European and African skin color are different as follow.

The Asian Indian are mostly dark skin. However their skin color can change to white or red if they stay in Europe and USA. The Chinese, Japan and Korean also have the same characteristic. This usually took two years to change. The skin color also can change locally with drug and food and room temperature. If they travel back to Asia , they will have their skin color change back to original.

Any way the African can not change their skin color either in the West or in the East. Therefore the Asian will look similar in skin color in the West but have their original skin color recovered in the East.

I did not see the Eskimo of the Artic before. People told me their skin color is purple.

A good example for skin colors change is from the Flim Star Cameron Diaz.

1. Cameron Diaz with black skin color. This was properly her native color in Asia.

2. Cameron Diaz with European skin color. This is because she live in US but not California.

3. This Photo did not cheat to You.

In addition, my grandfather Chong Hong Peng photo color was true but not my grandmather who was not so fair. He is the white ghost and she was very black skin like crude oil in the 70 and not very black skin in the year 1999 to 2000.

Monday, February 27, 2012

What I knew about Chong Hong Ping?

I knew he was a grandfather that visited me weekly in Penang Road 2 before 1969. He also care of my health at that time. Before 1969 he took me to Sungai Pinang Balik Pulau Old House together with step grandmather. In the crisis he secured me to leave the in coming Malays. I on board the Z force carrier and went to hide in Johor Kota Tinggi and Kuala Lumpur until 1972. In 1969 to 1972 I stayed with Grandparent and two aunties. He passes away in 1978. But which was the real grandfather I also confused as a man from UK claimed he was my grandfather in around 2010. I knew he play grof and badminton. He was a retiretee and work for his mission partner in the oil plam farm as a cleark and supervisor. He also manage the rubber business and farm in home town that belong to the big Olg House /capitan land. He hold a share in the land out of the sevent brothers.
I saw him in the dream wearing army uniform. I saw him in the dream in USA space project. I saw him in the dream near Cincinnanti USA. The reader can known more about my dream event in cbhooi330. I also saw him in you tube XB 70 superjet Project and Soviet Union MIC 25 intercepter development programme video.

He was properly the twin of Britain royal family and arrived in Penang Island or the Island of Prince of Wale in around 1914 at the age of 4 years old with the Gun Ship Prince of Wale. He was a Duke. He involved in the development of the fighter jet from the experiance of repaired of the Japane Empire fighters and the British planes.
He and his action partner take care of me in the New Horizon Nation.

Thank you.

Blogspot for reference:

1. Emergency escaped from the big Old House.

2. WWII Old Men Stories :- Member of the big Old House After WWII.

3. Grandfather Chong Hong Ping and Step Grandmather and two Aunties. Picture at the center. Picture 3.

Selected You Tuba Video for reference.

1. Supersonic bomber XB 70 .

2. Former Solviet Union MIC 25 Foxbat supersonic intercepter project. Photo: Grandfather Chong Hong Ping and step grandmather Lim Gek Cheng.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

My concerned of Indian communities in Malaysia.

There were estimated to have less than 2 millions Indian in Malaysia. Within these social , there were Khatolic , Cristain , Supermanium and others goddish and Buddist and Muslims. Therefore let said the Indians wanted to rule any of the state or part of the state in Malaysia, how many votes they have if one of the group wanted to gain power to rule if they were not united.

In my knowledge , There were about 400000 Indian estate worker and other did not have the Malaysia citizenship. These data I knew many years ago. To be very surprised , few years ago the TV of Malaysia News reported that it were 400000 Indian Missing in Malaysia.

I also came across the rumour of humicide of Indonesian and Indian estate worker in Sarawak. We have the unfortunate oil platform workes returned to Penang and they were angry with how the Malaysia Government treated them.

02 Feb ,2012.

The British Indian wanted to rule Penang. They should in mind that China had invested around 50 Billion in Penang. They should concerned that I am the selected as King in the mid 1960. If the British Indian afford to pay the China of the above sum , we can consider their demand. You should not think that I am a German British or Asian hybrid difference from the Indians. The German was originated from Nepal. So , you are advised to count on the United State that had recount the economy and also my Commonwealth concept of government. Over here , I remine the Indians , the money from postitution is not well come to exchange for land . The products of commodities , man power and tecnical service will be the priolity.

Any Indians party should not think that they can rule with only 10% population out of the total Indians or Indian British in Malaysia. The Peninsula was difference from the Indian continent. In India , 10% of the Indian was Cristain and they rule. Over here it was difference. We have China and Indonesia at the boarder. If you think you can gain power with weapon , You will properly expel from the Malaysia soil.

05th Fab. 2012.

I have heard about many native Indian was captured as slave from their home in India. They also lost their home land where it was actually the war. The publics already voice it in the media and Great Britain apologies for the babarian act. Some of the victims properly sent over here in the Peninsula Malaya as labour. It was almost 200 years already and most of them adopted the local life. They should joined the Commenwealth Terrotories concept.

Public request of isolated goverment for the Commenwealth Terrotaries. I agree. The Commenwealth Terrotories shall independent in their government if created. For example , Commenwealth Terrotories of Penang , Commenwealth Terrotories of Melacca , Commenwealth Terrotories of Selected Peninsula land etc. The Singapore seemed to be classed as a Commenwealth Terretory. I worked in Singapore in 1995/96. I understand a little big the Singapore social and Government.

Monday, January 30, 2012

How Much Public Knew About The Human Disaster Of United Kingdom In 1965.

The mother land United Kingdom lost most of the important armied personnel and military hardware in WWII. Actually before WWII , The Great Britain was far behind the technologies in air fighter plane industries. In the 1960 , the air defence industries of Briton was mostly in the hand of Jerman British like my grandfather team. The Japanese allian was very close with the Jerman British team where they attached mostly in the Briton Z force. I was put into the Jerman British allian in a very young age where I was tatoo in order to differenceate to those carried the Nazi leader Hitler genetic. I was properly escaped from Brition Island together with grandfather team mates as well as the assistant from France Air Force. The Arabian claimed that they did assisted in the great escape where we actually have a fleet of marine and air force moving together. That was the well known by the old fork the establisment of new horizone in the Asia. The new horizon was properly in Malaysia but the great sweet times only last for few years until 1969. In 1969 racial conflic happened in Malaysia which caused the death of many people. I was escaped to the Z force carrier and sent to Johor where I spend few years as well in Kuala Lumpur before came back to Penang in 1972.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Government Selection.

There are three possible new Government Selection for Penang and Peninsula inhabitants.

The threes Political Rules selection are as following.

1. Gaberno under United State for Penang and others.

2. Commentwelth for Penang and Others such as Melaka and East Malaysia as well as Singapore.

3. China rule and properly with military force.

Thank You.


The United State and Commentwealth nations , Australia , New Zealand , Sabah and Sarawak and others , Thailand , Philipine and also the Taiwanese and Afican soldies contributed to the defence of the Asia againt the Communist Party offensive. The Malaysian were advised to consider their sacrified in this soil. I get the massage that the Malaysian people which was mostly tranform to new identities and genetic hybrid well come the Commenwealth concept.

However they were many extream races that which was weaks in the morden living resisted the new political ideology. Basically, I selected certain lands from Perak , Selangor and Kelantan to be preserved for the local and Indian where they can have self rule in the supervision of United Nation and Commentwealth. Further investigation was needed for the self rule concept to avoil the out law in powver.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I have comments in You Tube.

Public remined me that to write something in update. I also tough of this. My message is as the following.

The first Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tun Tunku Abdul Rhaman converted to Muslim in 1962. This was what I heard from the Radio in Penang around 2004 to 2005. The Balik Pulau floks also followed the news and they also told me that I should know it. The Prime Minister action was properly becaused he tough he joined the Muslim can save the people life. Public tough that he was killed and replaced with a fake one. The fake one was killed by the special force in golf field in 1969. Tun Tunku Abdul Razak, the present Prime Minister Najib Tun Rhazak late father, actually had a coup that replaced the Prime Minister Tun Tunku Abdul Rhaman. After 1969, the political value was transformed from a fair tripatid alike politic to a out of balancing out of tract regime.

My comments in You Tube was as below.

A Malay lady told me she also heard the Radia boardcast. She claimed that this was the Communist boardcast.