Saturday, April 7, 2012

Mongolia Prince or Great Briton Family.

My dream indicated that I was in a tankers team. I heard a Commander or General talk in Mandarin Language that ' Tanker move forward 50 Km. Beware of the behind '. This talk proved that I was in Tankers team. I also heard a ,may be the same person said in Mandarin Language that ' Build small submarine ' . This dream that I mimic in dream talk so as the above tankers advancement proved that the team I was in capable of construct submarine. What I knew was that the team I was in also armed with nuclear weapons.

The 1964 October 5th history was a team of former Soviet Union tankers were destroyed by a atomic explosion in Inner Mongolia. This was the first atomic explosion in China. My info was the atomic bomb was offer by the America to destroyed the 20000 strong Soviet Union tanker battalion that was station in Inner Mongolia to the border of China Territories. This is the fist time China Scientist learn about the atomic bomb. They studies the bomb before drop it to the Soviet Union armour team.

I was in site the China territories just before the Atomic explosion. Public told me our team already abandon the tankers. A Mongolia Prince who wanted the armours was death in the atomic explosion.
The Mongolian claimed that I was the Mongolia Prince an they in tented to take me home in order to control the political conflict over there. Anyway they was not yet proven my identities. The Russian claimed that I was the prince of the Great Briton that escort with the armour battalion. I was born ed after the atomic explosion. Pu shall read my other blogs in order to understand my live in babyhood. Public shall read my blogs in You Tube cbhooi330. There are two blog spot address in the channel. The second blogspots address was

Blogspot post for reference:

My dreams with Nuclear weapon evident.

1. Two men talk about atomic bomb at the sea side.

2. The huge explosion that generate tsunami at the sea side.

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